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Gina Strole Intuitive Healing

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What is Chakra Clearing?

Have you ever had the experience of seeing what is really inside your drain pipes?

Well, this week, I had that experience. We have been in our house for 25 years, and those dang pipes get so dirty. I had a small water leak in my bathroom, and it was an excellent chance to clean out those nasty pipes that were almost plugged from the oils, hair, and nasty garbage that gets washed down the drains.

After we got them cleaned out, oh my, the water drains so nicely, and no more black garbage built up around the drain. Amazing what some Maintenace will do.


When we are blocked, it is normal to feel run down, tired, sluggish, angry, depressed, and just overall unwell for no apparent reason. Your energetic system is just like these drainpipes. Without some regular Maintenace, things will get plugged and non-functioning causing a flood or a major health breakdown.

Clearing out your chakras in a deep chakra healing session will leave you feeling like things are flowing smoothly again.


What is a chakra clearing?

Well, for the short answer, clearing out all the emotional and energetic baggage inside your energetic system keeps you feeling run down and tired. We are clearing out the junk that gets clogged in the water pipes.

I have a special spot for you. All you need is 30 minutes to feel amazing.

Thirty minutes is enough time to get you feeling light and carefree. I will clear out your energy fields, line up your chakras and give you any messages you need to heal. You can also ask questions if you desire.

​Find out more information on Chakra Healing on my Intuitive Healing Connection Podcast.

Click HERE it be taken to the podcast page. 

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