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Gina Strole Intuitive Healing

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What Kind of Empath Are You?

In the world of Empaths, not only are there different layers of sensitivity, but there are also different kinds of Empaths. We all are unique, and therefore, we all beat to our drum, as the saying goes. 

Let’s chat about the different types of Empaths.  

But first, a refresher course.

What Is an Empath?

While there are different types of empaths, an empath described as someone who can absorb other people’s energy. You experience their emotions as if they are your own.

Let’s go more in-depth and dive into the various types of Empaths. 

Because not only can they experience others' feelings, but some can feel their pains, see their thoughts, and know what they have been through. 

How many different types of Empaths are there?  Well, it would depend on your definition of the different Empaths.

Some of them can blur together, and the line of distinction becomes not so clear anymore. 

I want to discuss some of the main types of Empaths and the varieties I have seen in my work. 

What types of Empaths are there? 

Physical Empath. 

Physical empaths can feel the physical pains and symptoms of others. The underdeveloped Empath would feel the headache of others, and that headache becomes their own. The physical Empath can SUDDENLY have headaches or other physical elements. The developed Empath can use this as a method for healing as they develop their abilities. 

The Emotional Empath. (Clairsentient)

The Emotional Empath feels the feelings and pain of others. 

Emotional empaths are the most susceptible to exhaustion because you cannot avoid receiving so much energy from the outside.

As you get overwhelmed with other people’s emotions, you will notice specific interactions drain the life out of you.

Practicing putting your emotional health first is a MUST for the emotional empath. This way, you can be an effective empath who can share themselves without losing it in the process.

Geomancy Empath

The geomancy empath feels the earth’s energy. These empaths are significantly affected by the moon phases and the power of the earth as a whole.

They can sense when there are natural disasters that are coming regardless of where the disaster is happening.

They are very in touch with the world around them. These empaths’ sleep patterns can be very disturbed as energy changes. 


The telepathy empath can read the thoughts of others. There is a sense of knowing what someone is thinking.

These empaths can answer questions out loud to the thoughts of others.

Telepathic empaths can be a challenge in relationships because the other partner can feel like they can’t have any private moments alone. 

Animal Communication

The ability to feel, hear, and connect with animals on an energetic level. 


The ability to see, hear, feel, and connect with those that have passed from the physical world.

Knowing or (Claircognizance) Empath

These empaths know the needs of others are. They can also know that things will work out a certain way. This clear knowing has no basis for what they know. They do! 


The ability to connect with nature and plants

Dream Empath

Dream empaths have a wonderful gift of remembering their dreams quite vividly. They can interpret its message. If you are a dream empath, you believe that a dream is never just a dream.

Precognitive Empath

A precognitive empath has the psychic abilities to feel an event or situation happening soon. They do not necessarily see the future, but they can sense it.

Psychometric Empath

A psychometric empath receives impressions through objects. The perception of these impressions varies from smell, sensation, texture, etc.

If you are a psychometric empath, you can know an object’s history, owner, worth, and future use.

Strength in Being an Empath

The gift of emotional awareness is something that should be celebrated by empaths. 

Contrary to what most people say, sensitivity is not a weakness.

Your sensitivity creates more love, compassion, and kindness in this world. 

Empaths are called to the earth to help others become true to their emotions as well.

While having these incredible abilities is fantastic, learning to use them to help yourself and the world around you is another matter. 

Responoisbilites of an empath

Learning to get control of your energy and having integrity with your abilities is critical.

While it’s incredible that you can read others' thoughts, It Is also essential to learn to shut it down while doing things like grocery shopping, getting your hair done. 

Also, knowing when it isn’t appropriate to be in other’s energy is critical for you. 

Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. 

You would never walk into a stranger’s house while they were showering and giving them information about their lives, so don’t walk into their energy field uninvited. 

For example, clients tell me about other Empaths’ they didn’t know, walking up to them telling them they are sorry for losing their grandma or are sad about their abuse.  Keeping the integrity of this work is critical. 

It is not our duty to inform everyone about everything we know. Others have the right to their privacy. 

Learning to close down your energy and raising your vibration is how you take care of this common issue. 

Not sure how? 

Join me in my Empath Breakthrough Online course to learn all the tricks of taking care of your energy.

~ Gina


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