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Gina Strole Intuitive Healing

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Are you feeling a bit out of control?

We have all been suffering the past year and a half. Nothing that is going on seems fair or makes sense.

Are you feeling a bit out of control?

Those feeling of being out of control can send us into survival mode. Afraid to move, afraid to do anything.

If you are watching the news, this can make these feelings worse. We can make rash decisions that we later regret when decisions come from this place of fear.

Living in fear changes who we are. Staying in this place of fear can cause problems for us later when this fear becomes the way we learn to survive.

The good news is we don’t have to stay here; it is a choice to remain in fear, just like it is a choice to move into love and trust.

Just a little bit of hope and love can go a long way. We can’t control what the world chooses to do, and we can’t influence politics or even Covid 19, but we get to decide how we deal with it.

We have no control over death or life, but we get to control the way we choose to see the world. 

You can choose to see the beautiful things in this world and leave the rest behind. 
It may sound crazy, but you can change the way you see the world just by changing what you see. 

Wayne Dyer has a great quote for this.

“Change the way you look at things, and the things you look at change.”

~ Wayne W. Dyer~

I have found this to be 100 % true. We can watch the news fill our minds with horrible thoughts and then leave the house, only to find that people are rude, impatient, and ugly.

Or we can think of excellent, uplifting thoughts reminding ourselves that this world is still and forever a fantastic place and leave the house only to discover that people are kind, thoughtful, and unforgettable. They even let you have your favorite parking spot at the store.

The same car ride, just a different perspective.

Choose to find love today! Choose to believe that the universe has your back. Choose to see the good in clothes as you show your fantastic side to the world, and watch the way that your world changes.

I would love to have you join us for the annual gratitude challenge. It is a great way to heal the body, mind, and soul while changing how you see the world.

Allow the healing work to help you heal the past and see the world as a safe place. 

We all need that more than even now!!!


Much love,


P.S. Join the gratitude challenge today and get $10 off. Use Code GRATITUDE10 now! 

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Decisions. Decisions. 🥰