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Gina Strole Intuitive Healing

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Full Moon Healing With Gina Strole and Rini York. You can find out more about Rini at


Full Moon Healing

What is all the hype about the full moon? I mean, seriously, It happens every month, and what is the big deal? 

Well, let me tell you.  I love the full moon. I love its beauty and its meaning of a beautiful ending to energetic things and an opportunity to set intentions for the new beginnings with a new moon coming after this beautiful moon subsides. 


It also has a downside. The full moon’s energy can create an adverse effect on those sensitive to this Intense energy source.

Let’s back-up and start with the basics. 

 For starters, let’s look at the spiritual meaning. 

 What is the spiritual meaning of the full moon?

 The full Moon shares the symbolism of the circle as an image of wholeness and strength. The Chinese associate it with the essence of Yin and the feminine; to Buddhists, it represents spiritual power. 1

The full moon can allow us to feel energized and social if we tend to be already more social. The opposite can also happen for those that give their energy away. 

The intensity of this energy can also drain us and leave us feeling exhausted! One can push their power outward, making us more focused on interpersonal affairs and outside situations. 

 As an Intuitive healer, Psychic and Medium, I am susceptible to this energy. I have been tracking my cycles for a few months now ( if you are reading this, I would say it’s time to follow yours). I have found myself feeling drained before and during the full moon. I have learned not to schedule any big projects or essential things during this time. 

What are some things that we can do to help ourselves overcome this powerful energy?

  • Taking an Epson salt and magnesium bath. It is usually at its highest energy level two days before it reaches its peak and two days after.
  • Setting out moon water at night and drinking it during the day. Again, two days before and two days after. 
  • Setting an intention for healing and clearing. This time is excellent for any healing practices you may have. Simply setting the intention to release anything that is no longer serving you is enough to get the desired results. 
  • Set new goals and intentions for the new moon.  Take some time to reflect on the past month, and then journal about what you would like to accomplish next month.
  • Use Clearing Sprays, essential oils, or any practices you may have to keep your energy field clear and balanced.  More Information on Spiritual Hygiene
  • Meditation is a great way to allow this healing to happen. Set in the quiet or do guided healing meditations. You can find my free meditation and other free resources here.
  • Clearing the Chakras helps keep our energy in balance. You can do this with meditation, clearing sprays (all mentioned above), yoga, or any way you have found that helps you strengthen and clear the chakra system. You can find more information on the chakra system, healing, and clearing in my Chakra System course.
  • If you are tired, get extra sleep. 
  • Hungry, eat nutritious food.
  • Energized, burn off some energy.
  • Take time to reflect in gratitude. Spend some time journaling about gratitude in your life.

Last, Spend some time in nature. It will ground your energy and help you sleep and feel better overall. As you can see, the moon's energy can be a challenge!

With time, you can learn to understand how your body reacts.

As I mentioned, I track my cycles, so I know who to plan my work and family gatherings. You can do this too. Start today. Use a spreadsheet or a calendar. Every day, track yourself. How are you feeling? How are your energy levels? Add any Retrogrades, full-moon, half-moon, new-moons, and see how are react to each of the cycles. Try it out. You will be amazed.

 Empaths are susceptible to these energies. As sensitive souls, they can pick up on the moon’s vibration and feel it in their bodies. They can have physical symptoms such as headaches, body aches, or be very tired.

  If you are very sensitive to this energy, you may want to check out my self-guided course, The Empath Breakthrough. I will guide you through the steps you need to understand your energetic body and learn to work with it. Not in a victim role but stepping into the beautiful divine power that you are. Taking responsibility for your own energy is the first step in gaining back your energetic power. 

Taking good care of yourself during the Full Moon is critical. Step into your self-care and listen to your body. When we take time for self-care, we will always show up better for ourselves and others.

Take time to set in this beautiful energy. Your energy system will thank you.

Need more?? You can find more information about my work at


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