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Gina Strole Intuitive Healing

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Creating Healthy Intimate Relationships.

This week my hubby and I are celebrating this week. Twenty-nine years together is a big deal to me!

I have met with so many women that that kind of relationship seems out of reach.

It doesn't have to be! I was young and trusting when I first got married. But I knew that I could trust Robert! And that was huge.


Over the years of working out our relationship and figuring out each other, there is one thing I know for sure you need to make it survive the sands of time.

Great relationships don't just happen; they are created!!

They must be nurtured and cultivated. They must handle changes and be able to weather the bumps and bruises of life.

There are a few key ingredients I believe you need to have a relationship that will last.


If you can't trust your partner, you probably won't make it! If you have trust issues and are constantly accusing the other of cheating or wrongdoing, or if they are simply not truthful, you will have issues. Guaranteed!

If you have trust, the next thing is a winningness to stay and work it out!!!

A willingness to take divorce off the table and stop using it as a backup plan is huge. There is no plan B, only plan A.

Stick to the course.

And lastly, a willingness to overlook all the imperfections of your partner.

Now I am not saying overlook infidelity or the big things.

Good relationships are smothered to death by nitpicking, complaining, and expecting the other to fill all of your needs.

You have a responsibility to bring your best self to the table every day. Now I get in; not every day is perfect. But striving to be grateful and happy is the goal.

I often ask my clients; how much fun are you to live with? Are you the type of person you would want to live with?

Gratitude for your spouse is 100% hands down; the greatest asset is creating a relationship you can be proud of.

I didn't understand this one concept when I first got married. I expected my hubby to be my everything, to make me happy!!!

What I have learned over the last 29 years is that it was NEVER his job. He can bring happiness into my life, and he does.

He Makes me laugh every day.!!!

But it is MY JOB to be a happy person. To figure out what I need to do to be happy!!!!

He adds to my happiness, not providing it for me!!!

No one can make you happy; You must choose happiness. 

Are you willing to choose happiness? 

One of the ways I created this happiness for myself was to do my healing work. 

Healing my past has created the reality I live in now!!! 

 Talking about working through the reasons I felt I didn't deserve happiness was huge!!! 

I had spent the whole first part of my life wondering why anyone would want me. 

I also spent so much exhausting time proving to others I was worthy of time and attention. Once I realized I didn't have to do that and I was enough just the way I was, my whole world changed. 

My relationship changed for the better. I felt grateful to have found my hubby and grateful for our time together. 

You can discover yourself again too. It doesn't matter how old you are; this can happen at any time. 



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