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Gina Strole Intuitive Healing

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Daily Habits from an Intuitive Healer to Increase Your Self-worth)

 Daily Habits from an Intuitive Healer to Increase Your Self-worth)  


Life, circumstances, and tough times can make you forget that you deserve a beautiful life and are worthy of being here – no matter what has happened to you or what you have been told.


You deserve to be here, and you deserve to take up space!


We can forget how valuable we are, and I don't want that for you. 


In this episode, I share why we disconnect from our self-worth and give you practical tips you can do every day so that you can create that bridge to the life your desire. 


 Listen HERE


Highlights you won’t want to miss:


  • The stories of not being enough are not your truth.
  • How to find your self-worth (hint: it's still there!)
  • Ancestral feelings about worth can carry into your life.
  • We bring feelings of self-worth from past lives, not just this one.
  • All the things that create stories about your worth.
  • How to be accepting of your emotional side.
  • The autopilot loop that plays over and over and why it's time to heal it.
  • Practical tips you can do every day to reconnect with that part of you who is already enough.






Private Healing Membership:

Chakra Clearing Session:

Inner Child Healing Session:


Get the FREE Clearing:  Abundance Clearing Meditation

Get the FREE Masterclass:  7 Spiritual Hygiene Habits to Master Your Energy as an Empath


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Your reviews mean the world to me! If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe and leave a comment. You can help this podcast grow and reach other people who are ready to heal and just don’t know how yet. I’m here to help! 


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Let me know! 


Let me know how you are taking charge of your emotional healing. Tag me in your Instagram posts or reels @ginastroleintuitivehealing with something that represents giving yourself the space to heal. I’d love to see it!



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