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Gina Strole Intuitive Healing

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Keeping your Vibration High

Uncategorized Apr 04, 2022

 Keeping your Vibration High


It can be challenging to stay out of old patterns on this healing journey if you are like me.

I have spent 15 plus years trying to navigate this healing journey, and because of my trials and errors, I feel like I can help you avoid some of the common mistakes that can drag us down.



Let’s chat about trash talk.


Getting caught up in trash talk is a BIG PROBLEM; let me tell you why.

We can feel like we need to vent, as women can get deep into this.

Needing to vent is one thing, hours of coffee time and bashing others is where we get into trouble.

We all have an energy field. It is made up of our beautiful energy system. This energy system runs through the entire inside of your body and creates a bubble of energy on the outside of your body. This Energy System is full of information about ourselves. It holds the secrets, or what we think are secrets, inside the subtle energy field. When you do things that build it up, it flourishes. You feel good. Your body heals itself. Our physical, mental, and emotional bodies suffer when we break it down.


Anything we do either strengthens or breaks down this field.


✔️Meditation can strengthen this field.

✔️ Healing work will strengthen.

✔️Thinking positive thoughts will boost this field.


Just like these things can strengthen this field, many things will break it down, and when you are trying to elevate your energy, they can feel downright nasty.


✔️Spending time complaining and bitching and moaning about the world, things that YOU feel are going wrong can bring your vibrations way down.

✔️Being Negative for long periods.

✔️Never having anything good or positive to say.

We have all been around people who are pessimistic about EVERYTHING. Being around these types of people changes our vibration, but it can severely affect us if we engage in this practice.


✔️Engaging in bashing people we know is like bringing in a deep fog to our energy system. It is like polluting our souls with black tar that isn’t easily cleaned up.

When we talk badly about other people, especially in a group, energy radiates out. That person will know!!!

Very Sensitive souls can also have an understanding of the conversation. They may not understand it consciously, but they will feel that energy coming from you, and they will FEEL that vibration. This is a dangerous thing to do. It changes relationships. It will change the dynamic of any relationship, no matter the type. This also brings up feelings of not trusting the other person.


When you engage in this activity, it hurts your energy field. It dampens your growth.

It hurts if you have ever been on the receiving end of these conversations. Trust can be lost, and your energy field can also be damaged.

These conversations can easily cross the line from talking to bashing. I have had first-hand experience with both sides of this. I used to feel the NEED TO TALK OUT MY FEELINGS. But it wasn’t talking out my feelings; it was judgments and expectations against another person.

When needing to voice feelings, Voice them to the person!! Don’t spew it to everyone else.

If you need to bounce ideas off someone else, be sure to use I feel that___________ and keep it to your feelings. When you use, I FEEL, you are talking about YOU, Not the others person.

We all have feelings about other people. But in the Spiritual World, judgments can be left behind. It is our EGO that wants to divide and conquer.

 Ego will always want you to feel superior and better than others. This is the Spiritual work we are here to do; this Spiritual Development is what I have spent my last 15 years learning and developing.


This can all be changed with help and mind mindset work.

One last thing?

Can we remove the black smoke?

The answer is yes, you can.

Using some healing meditations like the ones in my Membership Vault will help you strengthen your energy field every day.

Spending time reading a good book like the four agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz is a great place to start your spiritual development.

Anything you can do to raise your vibration will help clear and heal your energetic field.


I have an upcoming LIVE workshop where I will teach you how to take care of your energy field. You will learn tips and tricks to clear every day, and remember to keep your vibration high.

You can find out more information here.












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