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Gina Strole Intuitive Healing

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Living life like you are dying. What death teaches us.

Listening to my husband sleep in the seat next to me as I am driving home after a long week of text messages,  phone calls, and all-around bad news.


I am feeling grateful he is still in that seat. Feeling grateful, I had the moments that morning with him of snuggling a little tighter, telling each other good morning, and enjoying the cooler weather as we stayed a little longer in bed together.

No one is complaining about sleeping in or the time that could have been spent visiting with family. 

You see, we are all in this state. This state of shock!! This state of ”This hasn’t really happened” and feeling a bit numb after the last few weeks of spiritual adventures and heartbreak. 

I am driving in silence, thinking about the events that lead up to today. We received the news of the passing of a great man. A brother, father, and an amazing man, and we are all in shock for sure. 

As I am driving, thinking, and chatting with my guides, my loved ones in spirit as I always do. 

I am reminded that life is short!! Life is way too short to spend on things we don’t want to do. 

To spend it with those that put us down instead of encouraging us to be our best selves. 


To stay at Jobs, we hate, or to be in a relationship that just isn’t working. 


Worrying about things we can't change. Holding grudges that wouldn’t matter if you were dying. 


As I am listening to this fantastic guidance, I realize there are things that I need to heal.  Worries that wouldn’t matter if I was living like I was dying. Something I should be doing that I am not. Relationships that need tending to and loved ones that need to know I care.

It is incredible how quickly life changes when we think like we are dying.

What would we change if it were our last few days or hours in the physical world?

Death teaches us so much about how we should live. And waiting until we are on our deathbed is not the time to let go of the stupid shit we have held on to. 


⭐What do you need to release?


⭐Who do you need to forgive?


⭐Are there things that need to be done, healed, or released?


⭐What are you holding on to that if you were headed out of this world, suddenly would not matter anymore?


Wasting precious life energy on worry and regret creates an after-life of regret.

Creating that peace now allows us to live a life full of freedom and joy. 


I have lived my life on the premise that time is short, and doing my healing work has brought about great peace, understanding about ego, and how that fear gets in my way.

Discovering these truths about myself has allowed for the freedom to come in by connecting with my higher self, learning to tap into that beautiful spiritual essence that we are all blessed with, and understanding that we have a bigger purpose to be here than just paying the bills. 


As we heal, we learn to listen to what really matters. We learn to trust our feeling and live a life that we are proud to say we did. 


It is not about never having things we wish we wouldn’t have done; it’s about understanding that we did our best at that time. 


So are you ready to let go of the ropes that are holding you back from living a life of freedom and peace? 


I have dedicated my life to teaching others how to find this peace. To tap into their own healing powers to release the past so they can embrace their future. 


So what can you do to find your freedom?

Journal about your life and how you feel about your life so far. Be truthful. 

Bringing in that honest element is crucial in the healing process.


Journaling like this isn’t about judgment; it’s about getting down to the true feelings of why we feel like we do. 


Find your honest feelings! Once you acknowledge your feelings, you can then move forward with healing. 


You can connect with an experienced healer to tackle the healing on your own. 


Connecting with an experienced healer will catapult you forward in your healing process. 


You can also take courses to teach you how to find and release your subconscious beliefs and change the patterns to make lasting changes in your life.


You can find out more information on energy healing and courses to help you do your healing work.

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