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Gina Strole Intuitive Healing

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You have the Power to Protect your Peace.



I  have been getting all caught up in the things of the world recently. It's like shit is just hitting the fan all at the same time.


As I watched things go down, I was caught up in the gloom and doom that everyone seemed to be predicting.


I also felt that I was stuck. And honestly, I was feeling stuck in my business, life, relationships, and almost every part of my life.


It has been so cold, and now it's April, and we still have lots of snow on the ground. It's been a record year for snow here in Utah, and It is starting to take a toll on my mental capacities. 


As I contemplated the things going on, both in the outside world and inside myself, I was reminded that it was time for deep healing. 


So that's what I started doing. I wanted out of the gloom and doom, so to healing meditations I went. 


Now for me, I am used to doing this work, so I know where to go. Most can not be open enough with themselves to do deep inner healing.


But for me, It is very natural, and I am open to seeing that feelings and beliefs are ok, 


So I spent an entire weekend in contemplation and meditation. 


As Sunday rolled around, I stood in the shower and was shown that I needed to release money.

At first, I didn't know what that meant. Release money???


I was shown in my childhood many times when I felt STUCK! I worked with my guides to release this stuck energy. So as soon as I got out of the shower, I went back into meditation. So as soon as I got out of the shower, I went back into meditation. 


Then I moved on to money. I see that the energy of money is stuck, not only with me because of these feelings of fear and doom, but with the world as a whole. I am sure you have felt this restraint with money. We have had a lot going on all around the world. 

I watched as the healing energy swirled around the energy of money, releasing the cords and restraints  I and others had placed on money. 


You see, money is simply energy and when we see it that way, and not with so much power over us, as a helpless thing, it changes our relationship with money. 


As I watched this energy swirl and be released, I realized that I had given my power away to fear of loss. Fear of not having enough and having things taken away from me that I have worked for. Such a scary place to be, but even more, it's not needed!! Anytime we go to that place of losing our power and giving it away to people, things, or ideas, we are screwed.


Because in that helpless place, we are useless. We can not make good decisions; in fact, any decisions made from that fear place will probably not pan out well. 


When we are in fear, our judgment is skewed, and we will make decisions out of fear, not intuitive, and what is best for us on our spiritual journey. We will learn lessons from every decision we make, but making them from an empowered place is in our best interest. 


As I finished this healing session, I felt so much lighter. I felt that heaviness lift. The panic and doom go away. And ease and strength come in. 


Gone were the panic and frantic feelings I had been having. They were replaced with peace, freedom, and joy!


Any time we can clear out old emotions, beliefs, and feelings, we will feel better about life. 


After doing this work, my messages blew up again. I had clients racing out to schedule appointments, and the energy felt like it was flowing again.


Energy healing makes a massive difference in our lives. Want to find out what it can do for you?


Please schedule an appointment with me, and let's move out your garbage too. 

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