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Gina Strole Intuitive Healing

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Recovering from Medical Induced Trauma and Shame

I have recently lost over 75 lbs, and the one thing that I keep thinking about is how I always felt that I was broken because I couldn't lose weight. 

I would go to the Doctor and would leave feeling less than because I didn't seem to be able to do what everyone else was doing. 

I would hear, just exercise more, just eat less, and you will lose weight. So I would, I would cut my calories way back, and gain 5 lbs. I would eat differently, only to feel terrible.

Nothing  I would try seemed to help.  I was depressed, I was embarrassed, and I felt so alone. 

I couldn't talk to anyone about it because I felt like I was the only one with this issue. 

But the one thing I have realized is we, as women, are suffering in silence. 

We have been told that we must look a certain way, wear a certain size, and eat a certain way in order to be loved and accepted by society. 

I was shamed by other women as well, telling me that I needed to get healthier, I had to eat the way they did (everyone has an opinion on that, that is), and then I would be magically skinny. 

What I know today!

That was ALL bull shit!!!!!

Even the medical field had it wrong. The one place I look to for medical advice, after all, they go to medical school, right?? 

They are supposed to have all the answers.  The only thing I received from the medical world was excuses for why I felt tired, depressed, and unmotivated to do anything. 

I heard it all: you're just a mom; you should be tired. You're getting older, this is just the way it is, you're just going to have to learn to live with it, you're not eating enough, you're eating too much, exercise more, just start running, don't run, just walk, just deal with life. You're just depressed; get your depression under control, and you will be fine! 

Unfortunately, this is a story I have heard over and over again from so many women.

I still remember the last time I heard the excuses, and I looked my Doctor in the eye and said, I will not accept these answers; I am not taking this as an answer anymore. I deserve to feel good, and I deserve to have answers!  

And I made her and myself a promise that day that I would figure this out myself. And I  DID!! 


Here is what I have realized for me!

!: Doctors don't know everything. I was right. There was a complex problem going on inside my body that needed something more than Western medicine had to offer. 

2: My body was unable to lose weight and or keep it off due to this underlying condition that had been undiagnosed and managed properly for pretty much my whole adult life. 

3: The weight gain wasn't my fault!! The weight gain was a by-product of this underlying condition. 

It wouldn't have mattered what I did until I received the proper care and proper medications; I would never get better. I had tried to lose weight before. I would lose 10 or 15 lbs, but then if I added one thing, I would gain it back so fast and add ten more lbs. It was very discouraging. 

What is this underlying condition? 

I had a very complex thyroid condition, and it had never been treated correctly. 

And regular Western medicine did not have my answers. All they had were excuses. 

I have had one PA that tried to help. She was the first one to really try!! She would at least listen to me, even if she didn't understand or get it. I could at least ask for the right blood tests, and she would order them. And she even learned a few things from me that she has added to her practice now as well. 

She recently expressed so much remorse about how they were never taught much about thyroid care in school. She expressed anger at the system because she had so many patients with my symptoms that she just couldn't seem to help. 

Now, I have the proper care, and I am feeling amazing. I found a center that only deals with thyroid and hormone care, and it has completely changed my life.  (Check out Modern Thyroid Clinic, and tell them Gina Sent you!)

I have lost over 70 lbs and am still going strong. I am getting stronger every day! It has been a life-changing 18 months for me! 

I no longer fight food; I don't fight hunger, and I feel amazing. Food isn't the enemy; it is my friend. 

All food is good, some is better, and some is the best, but I no longer restrict anything! 

I have more energy than I had in my 20s, and I look forward to every day. 

I recently took a trip to Croatia and walked 113,000 steps, and felt wonderful the whole time. 

I usually swelled up so badly when I travel, but this time, there was little to no swelling. I even had some knee surgery, and I still walked and felt amazing.  I have created a  Free weight loss download; you can get  it HERE

The thing is, it took time to get here. 

It has taken time to heal from what I call medical trauma, and it has taken me time to build trust back in my body, but I am doing it, one step at a time. 

Because we all deserve to feel amazing, and we deserve to be heard. 

We all deserve to have someone in our corner to help us find the answers, and we all deserve to feel important and loved. 

If you are struggling to get your answers, don't give up.

And don't take NO for an answer.

You know your body, and trusting in your intuition is very important in your health care.

As an intuitive healer, I had to remember to be doing my healing all along the way so that when the answers came, I was ready. 

Not only have I found my answers, but because of my journey, I realized 3 out of my 4 kids have Thyroid issues, and I have also been able to help my clients get the proper care. 

I went over 22 years feeling like shit, and I don't want anyone to have to go that long. I share my story so I can help others find their answers quickly! 

If you are struggling, I would love to help. 

I teach a health and wellness course to help you heal and learn to get your answers on what you need to do in order to heal. Healing isn't just about physical; it's mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual. Bringing all parts of you together guarantees a great outcome. 

You can sign up for the wait list HERE. 

If you would like some personal help now, sign up for a healing session with me, and let me get you moving in the right direction now! 

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