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Gina Strole Intuitive Healing

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Spiritual Hygiene

Let's begin with some Spiritual Hygiene 101.

What in the world is Spiritual hygiene?

 Just like your physical body, you have a spiritual energy body!?! 

Did you know that your spiritual energy body needs maintenance and self-care just like your physical body? 

If you have ever taken any classes from me, you know I preach it to the rooftops. 

Spiritual Hygiene is more important than taking a shower to me. 

Let me explain.  You have these beautiful energy layers on the outside of your body. You also have an energy system on the inside called the Chakra system.  

These systems work together to help your body run smoothly. When things go wrong in the physical body, it always starts in the energetic body first. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to clear out this energetic body often. 

If your energy fields are full of junk, you need to clear them out to make space for love and light. 

Filling the body with light, with love, and releasing old energy should be a daily practice. 

Let’s talk about how we can start a daily spiritual hygiene practice.

What do I do first to clear my energy? 

One of my favorite ways to clear is with Florida Water Cologne. 

Florida water has been used in spiritual ceremonies and spiritual clearings for cleansing and protecting oneself and one's space for more than 200 years. A bonus is Florida Water smelled amazing and was named for the Fountain of Youth. 

Make a Clearing spray by adding a small amount (1oz) to a spray bottle and shake it up. Feel free to add essential oils to enhance your spray. Use a spray bottle to clear your space, mist yourself, or your home. 

It has a light fragrance and works fast.  It can ground you in a moment, which is also important to energetic health. 

You can wipe down all the surfaces in your home or office as well. It is safe to use everywhere. 

 Florida Water is not meant for consumption. 

The next thing I like is Florida Water Soap.

It has the same qualities as the Cologne but in bar form. Use it daily in the shower to clear out your energy. 

In the shower, I imagine all the energy coming to the surface as I wash up with the soap. I release it and allow it to go down the drain. Setting my intention to clear out anything that no longer serves me. 

What other tools can I use to clear my energy? 

My next favorite things are Essential oils. There are many brands and kinds of oils. I choose Young Living Essential Oils.

Here are my favorites for clearing the energy.

Sage, of course, is amazing. I am not a fan of the smell, but I diffuse it, mix it with some other scents, or use this in my Energy Cleansing sprays I make. 

Purification is another one of my favorites. It has a nice clean scent, and it does just what the name suggests. Purification of the energy fields. Brings balance back quickly to the physician and spiritual bodies. 

Peace and calming 11 is my very favorite. It relieves anxiety and agitation and has a most calming smell. I use this in clearing sprays as well. Rub it directly on myself, usually the neck area, and diffuse it regularly at night to bring peace and calm and a restful night’s sleep.

My next favorite is Believe. Believing in yourself is the greatest gift you can give yourself, and having that confidence raises your vibration so that your energetic body is thriving. Use it daily or as needed. Diffuse, dilute and rub on yourself; use it in a spray bottle as well. 

Thieves is another amazing oil. A powerful combination of Clove Oil, Lemon Oil, Cinnamon Bark Oil, and more essential oils will fill any space with a rich, spicy aroma. This is one of the most popular Young Living Products to date. It has antibacterial properties and is said to be great for cold and flu season. Mixed with lemon oil and diffused. It is also a great clearing oil as well. 

What else besides oils can I use to clear my space? 

Next, I use SAGE for smudging my house and myself. 

Smudging has been around for centuries. There are many theories as to how to do it correctly. In my opinion, do it!  Start at the farthest point from the exit door, and make your way through your house, ending at the exit spot.  Clearing your energy while you do it by setting an intention for all energy no longer serves you to be released. Then fill the space with blessings, clarity, and beauty.

Many times, I have people contact me about a house clearing. The energy can get so heavy in the living spaces that we tend to blame Spirits for the heavy energy. 

MANY times, energy is our own living energy. Remember to clear often!! 

What else can I do to clear my space? 

Raising your vibration is another great way to clear out the junk.

Meditation is a great way to clear your headspace. Learning to quiet your mind and change your life mantras can be vital when things get tough and quickly lift your energetic vibrations.

Doing things that raise the vibration is a natural mood booster, a natural healing process, and makes us feel amazing. 

What do you love to do? Bake? Run? Create? Travel? Connect? Whatever it is, do more of that!!!

Listen to music you love, practice gratitude, and do anything that brings you joy and produces amazing clearing for our energy fields.

Find time to do what you love, and watch your mood, your energy rise!!! 

The biggest thing you can do and the most simple to elevate your energy, vibration, and find healing is to practice gratitude. 

WE can all use more gratitude in our lives! 

If you would like to practice gratitude with me, I have a 30-day Challenge journal for you to purchase, or you can download it now.

Use it to get a jump on your vibration. 

When it comes to clearing, there are so many options. However you choose to clear, it is important to start. Create a routine that works for you and set yourself up for daily success.  

I’m interested in what techniques are most helpful? I would love to hear about your experience in my Facebook group and let me know how this worked for you.

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