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Gina Strole Intuitive Healing

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Want to live a more spiritually-minded life?


Want to live a more spiritually-minded life??

Check out my Five steps to success for living a spiritually-minded life!

What the hell is that??

Well, let me explain.

We all come from spirit first. We started as a spirit, then we received our physical body and went on with life as a physical soul. We are spirit first, human 2nd.

As this human life takes over and we create beliefs and feelings, we tend to forget that our emotions become our emotions, and later they create an identity for us.

We forget that we are unlimited souls first as we go about our physical existence. When you hear about the awakening or “waking up,” this is being discussed.

It’s all about returning to the fundamental belief that we are spirit first. We are all Infinite Beings that have unlimited potential.

So how do we start this process?

I will give you some basic steps for waking up so you can start seeing your source’s eyes, start opening up to the basic knowledge you can be, and do anything you desire if you will get out of your way!!!

Become more self-aware. It is time to acknowledge your feelings. If you were raised to stuff your emotions, it is time to learn to feel again.

If you feel your feelings, but you judge them every time, putting yourself down for having feelings, It’s time to start accepting that you are human and emotions are part of that process.

Begin a daily meditation practice with this free meditation.

Gratitude, Gratitude, Gratitude. Using gratitude as a way of reminding yourself what you already have. 

Many of us spend our time focusing on lack of things, lack of friends, money, love, etc. Rewiring the brain to seed the good takes time, but a practice that is well worth your time.

Open up your eyes to the fantastic world around you and begin a gratitude practice with this 30-day Gratitude Challenge.

Healing is a critical part of this process. When we are in a constant state of blame and shame, this is not awakening.

You must do your part to heal. Healing isn’t a walk in the park, but doing this work with an educated and experienced healer is life-changing for you and your family. 

Need some Free Healing Resources?

Look for triggers.  What are triggers?? Triggers are people and things around you that bring up emotions inside of you. These emotions can be anything from rage, jealousy, sadness, anger, or physical hurts.

Listening to these emotions and not shaming yourself is very beneficial in the healing process. People that trigger you are a gift. It is a way to see where you need healing. If you are around someone that is constantly pushing your buttons, it’s time to get real and realize this is about you and not about them. 

Get in touch with your feelings, and sit with them.

What is it that triggers you?

What is getting you all upset, and how can that become a realization for you?

It is excellent to journal all this out. Get clear on what the real issue is. One of the best ways to do this is journaling.

Take Responsibility for yourself. Yes, down to what you eat and how you spend your day. You are choosing your emotions, feelings, beliefs, where you work, how you show up.

You have control over all of these things. You can blame your parents for your shitty life, or you can realize they did the best they knew how and take your power back.

Blaming others leaves us in a state of helplessness and not a form of empowerment. Even if you have considerable traumas to work through, the simple step of taking back your power is the first step in reclaiming your life.

So choose today to take your control back. Begin with some Spiritual Hygiene!

Allow yourself the grace and compassion of not shaming yourself for where you have been or what you have endured. You must decide to help yourself by being your biggest cheerleader and not your most prominent critic.

Gone are the days of beating yourself up. Thinking new thoughts will take practice to overcome the mind. Your old patterns are to go to shaming, and to blame will be hard to overcome.

You can and will create new,  unique ways of picking yourself up and reminding yourself that you are essential and did the best you knew how but practicing self-care.

If you want more information on healing, visit my website at or a Facebook live.

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