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Gina Strole Intuitive Healing

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Worry is a complete waste of time and energy.

Worry is a complete waste of time and energy. 


That's right, You heard me.


I hear it all the time,

Worry makes me a good mom, grandma, sister, and wife.

Some people wear their worries like a badge of honor. They feel like worrying about someone, or something makes them a better person. 


We somehow think that this constant mind chatter will change the world, solve world hunger, conger up more money, more love, more of all we desire. 


While the truth is, worry will manifest something for you…..MORE THINGS TO WORRY ABOUT. 


That's right, the more you worry, the more the universe will bring you more things to worry about. 

It hears you going through the endless mind chatter. Wondering how things will ever work out. Wondering if your kids will ever do good things, meanwhile, your body is a wreck. 

You’re not sleeping; you’re eating like shit; you’re full of anxiety and unrest and just can’t seem to get out of the endless pattern of worry. 


So what can we do about this pattern of unrest???


Worry is a complete waste of time. 


How do we get out of the worry?


Mindset and healing are the best ways to get away from worry. As we heal and learn to trust in something bigger than ourselves and shed the layers of fear, we will learn to live in a safe place.


Learning to pay attention to the mind chatter can help stop the worry.

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