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Gina Strole Intuitive Healing

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Empathic Integrity

Empathic Integrity 

Integrity as an Empath

In the beginning, when I first started opening up to the possibilities of my abilities. There were no boundaries or rules; I had to fumble through life.

It was a new and exciting time. But, it was also a rough time learning to practice my unique abilities. 

You see, I had always been this way, but as I was developing my energetic abilities, I wanted to help everyone. I was a novice learning the ropes. 

I didn’t understand that just because I knew things and could read others' thoughts and feelings doesn’t mean I should do that all the time.

 I didn’t understand that I needed to learn to regulate those impulses. I didn’t understand the consequences of not respecting others’ boundaries or not having any of my own. 

Let me save you some trouble and give you a few of the rules that I live by as an empath. 

Respect People’s Energetic Privacy

I often felt guilty about not sharing my abilities with everyone. I would tell myself I was a better medium or healer. I would be more open to sharing my abilities. I would see people at a graveyard grieving and would want to run and tell them information, and they were probably not ready or open to hearing.

Many years later, I have realized that this is not the case. 

Little did I know, I needed a teacher. A mentor to walk me through. Thankfully you found me. 

We all have the right to seek out answers and ask for help. Walking up to someone and telling them what you know is a violation of privacy. 

I promise this is not a good idea and most likely will not be received well. 

Think of it like this:

If someone just walked into your house uninvited, you would feel violated. Other’s energy is no different than their home; respect their energetic privacy.  

Reading someone’s energy uninvited isn’t any different than invading their home. 

It’s essential to learn the integrity rules as you learn to develop and open up to your empathic abilities.

If you are not sure what type of empath you are, read “What Kind of Empath are you?”. 

I have had clients talk to me about other Empaths approaching them out in public to read them.  It always catches them off guard, and it’s an excellent way to have someone react badly toward you. 

How do we avoid doing this? 

Manage Your Energetic Field

It is the Empath’s responsibility to learn to control your energy fields.  

The surest way to not allow yourself in other energy fields is to learn to keep your energy fields closed.

Closing your energy field can be done quickly at any time. No particular place or thing is needed.

We can only receive information from outside sources when our energy fields are expanded and ready to receive. This expanded field allows for spirits and the living energy of things and people around us to connect with us.  

It is more common than you might think that sensitive people and Empaths spend most of their lives OPEN without realizing it. Yikes!

When we learn to close our energy fields and shut down communication when it is not appropriate to read others, you will feel more energized because you do not give energy away to other people.  

Also, you are not imposing on the thoughts and feelings of others without permission. 

We always need permission to connect. That is the goal!!!!!!

How do I close my Energy Field? 

Closing your energy field is easy. Try this now and see how you feel.

The more you practice, the easier it gets. Remember not to get caught up in the how. Just do it until it works for you. Remember, energy looks a little different for everyone. 

Close your eyes to concentrate and begin exploring the energy. 

Take a moment and close your eyes. 

Take a deep breath and notice where your energy field is. How it feels, do you see anything, hear anything? Just take note. 

We all have outer (auric) and inner (chakra) energy fields. Not sure what I am talking about? Learn more about energy fields through my Chakra Healing Course

Now take a deep breath, and as you inhale, imagine that field of energy coming closer to your body.  Then exhale. Inhale, bring it in, then exhale. 

You’re focusing on the outside layers; take notice. Energy can be seen or felt. 

Once you feel a shift, it’s working.

Continue breathing until your energy is right next to your body. When this happens, it feels comfortable, like a soft blanket.

Take a second to ground your energy down to the earth. 

Your intention is enough for this exercise. 

If you are ever out and about and notice you are getting information, take a deep breath, and pull your energy in. Remember, to ground. And keep your integrity. 

Try it!!! The more you do it, the better you will feel. 

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