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New Moon Rituals

moon cycle new moon Jan 11, 2021

The New Moon: First Phase Of The Lunar Cycle

The new moon is where the lunar rhythm begins. The lunar cycles provide a guideline to strengthens our natural instincts. The moon offers a natural cycle for when to launch projects, start something new, or make plans. 

Farmers have used the moon cycle guidance for ages.

The first phase is when the Moon appears to be dark due to the sun's location-- the dark side of the Moon is facing earth in retreat. When in retreat, it is the best time to contemplate and make plans for a fresh start.

The waxing Moon energizes flowers and leaves —time for planting and fertilizing your plants and ideas to encourage growth.

The new Moon is the best time to identify goals, re-imagine your life and what you would like to create during the next cycle.

New Moon Rituals:

  • Write a to-do list. It's a time to contemplate new projects, clarify one's intent, or make plans for initial contact.
  • Bring ideas into consciousness and think about what you'd like to create set your intentions. 
  • Take this time to retreat--perform some self-care rituals, pause and take time for spiritual hygiene
  • Mediate: Take a moment and envision yourself filling up with the light of the Moon. Bathing in the Moon's light will recharge you and your spirit.
  • Turn off (unplug) is the surest way to achieve the desired insight during a new moon.

New Beginnings

The new Moon is a time for new beginnings. Planting the seeds of an idea to create a life you love. Make all your plans now but don't act until the First Quarter to take action.

It is not time to start new projects but to plan and daydream about them. 

Getting Bigger and Brighter

When in darkness, the natural next step is toward the light. At this point, the moon begins its waxing phase. (waxing on or getting bigger)

Rest and regenerate to build and regain your strength to begin again during the waxing moon. 

Make the space for a fresh start to begin something new with a clean slate. Unplug, reserve space for reflection and time alone.

To have a clean slate, one must declutter any excess garbage you have been carrying around, both mentally and physically.

In this lunar cycle, it is normal to feel anti-social. Go inward and embrace your feelings. Release your thoughts and emotions in a journal.

 As the Moon turns its dark side toward us, shift yourself inward and away from the draining energy of others.

Don't feel bad for canceling plans or not desiring to reach out, call, text, or be around anyone. 

Written by contributing author and member of Gina Strole's Intuitive healing Team

~ Janine Smith

For more information and articles by Janine Smith click here!

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