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Gina Strole Intuitive Healing

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How do I know If am an EMPATH?

Are you an Empath? Well, let’s find out. 

Let’s first start with understanding what an Empath is. 

An Empath is extremely sensitive to the energy around them to the point these emotions become their own. 

Empaths feel, sense, know what others are thinking and feeling, and immediately takes these feelings on as their own without even realizing what they are doing. Yikes!

Empaths see the world differently than other people; they’re keenly aware of others, their pain points, and what they need emotionally.

An Empath is someone who feels more empathy than the average person

Empaths are usually accurate in recognizing emotions by looking at another person’s face. They are also more likely to acknowledge feelings earlier than other people. 

Empaths have a big heart and will act compassionately to help that person express herself. 

Empaths experience empathy towards family, children, friends, and close associates but usually, give too much of themselves and lack boundaries because of their giving nature. Empaths often feel depleted of energy because of this nature to give. 

Being an empath is one of the most complicated and, at the same time, one of the world's most remarkable attributes.

It doesn’t have to be so complicated, though. 

Learning to manage your energy, learning to see the signs, and understand when your energy has changed is HUGE!!! 

Let’s talk about some more signs you MAY be an Empath. If you are reading this thinking, OMG, I think I am an Empath. Guess What, you probably are.  Read on.

The “vibe” or energy of a room matters to you — a lot

Sometimes you may experience sudden, overwhelming emotions when you’re in public.   

Before I understood all this Empath stuff, I avoided going to the store at all costs. I was not too fond of it. If you find yourself staying home more, this could be you. 

Empaths are extremely sensitive to the “feel” or atmosphere of their surroundings. They crave peace and calm. When things are peaceful and calm, empaths flourish.  

Places of beauty can be transformative for empaths, whether it’s a quiet garden, a lovely bedroom, or the halls of a museum. Chaotic or depressing environments will quickly drain the energy of an empath.

People turn to you for advice.

Empaths have great insight and are frequently sought out by their friends for advice, support, and encouragement. It helps that empaths also tend to be good listeners and will often patiently wait for someone to say what they need to say and then respond from the heart.

If this sounds like you, you probably know that it can be hard at times, too — people don’t always realize how much of your energy it takes for you to be the listener and advice-giver, and some people take it for granted.

You can tell when others are lying.

Sure, there probably have been times when someone successfully deceived you… but even then, you knew you were going against your gut instinct from the start. 

The thing about an empath’s ability to process even the tiniest social cues means that it’s almost impossible for someone to hide their true intentions. 

Even if you don’t know accurately what a person wants, you know if they’re not completely honest — it’s almost a curse. 

You have a calming effect on other people — and the power to heal them.

Others often seek out their most empathic friends during difficult times. 

Most don’t understand why, but the seeker feels that connection and desires the healing they feel when encountered by an empath. 

Empaths are natural healers, and others seek the healing that an empath shares naturally. 

The healing abilities you naturally possess are something you can develop and use to heal others.  You can guide them to work past serious emotional baggage and overcome unhealthy patterns. 

But you can’t do so if you hide your sensitivity and empathy — you must embrace your gift if you want to make a difference.

Empaths need healing themselves.

Most Empaths need profound healing themselves before they embark on this healing journey. Past Traumas and difficult childhoods make an Empath a compassionate soul. 

Most of us have been through difficult circumstances. Empaths desire to help so much in any way they can. But Empaths must take their healing journey first to become an effective healer. 

Not sure where to start? Check out my Empath Breakthrough Online Course.

You have a high sensitivity to sounds, smells, or sensations.

An empath’s increased sensitivity doesn’t just relate to emotions. There’s a lot of overlap between empaths, and you might find that you’re also more sensitive to the world around you in general.

Sensitivities include:

  • Fragrances and odors affect you. 
  • Sounds and physical sensations may affect you. 
  • You prefer to listen to the media at low volumes or get information by reading.
  • Certain sounds may trigger an emotional response.

You need time to recharge.

An overload of positive or negative feelings might exhaust you, and it’s essential to take the time you need to reset. 

Empaths may need to take extra care to strike the right balance between spending time with others and restoring their emotional reserves.

I call this Spiritual Hygiene. Your spiritual energy body needs maintenance and self-care, just like your physical body. 

You don’t like conflict.

If you’re an empath, you likely dread or actively avoid conflict.

Higher sensitivity can make it easier for someone to hurt your feelings. Even offhand remarks might cut more deeply, and you may take criticism more personally.

Arguments and fights can also cause more distress since you’re not only dealing with your feelings and reactions. 

You’re also absorbing the emotions of the others involved. When you want to address everyone’s hurt but don’t know how even minor disagreements can become harder to cope with.

You often feel like you don’t fit in.

Despite being highly attuned to others' feelings, many empaths find it challenging to relate to others.

Others might not understand why you become exhausted and stressed so quickly. 

You might struggle to understand the emotions and feelings you absorb or feel like you aren’t “normal.” You might avoid talking about your sensitivities and sharing your intuitions, so you feel less out of place.

It’s never easy to feel like you don’t belong but try to see your ability to empathize with others as something special deeply. See your ability as a gift. It may not be common, but it’s an integral part of who you are.

If you’re struggling to manage the overstimulation on your own, and it is affecting your quality of life or keeps you from relationships and other personal goals, asking for help is your first step. 

Getting help from those that understand and have learned to navigate this complicated process is vital. Find courses, find a therapist, or seek out a qualified Intuitive Healer to help. 

I have dedicated my life to helping those that seek answers to help them find them, and I can help you as well.  Learning to manage energy is critical. 

I have an Empath Course dedicated to determining what energy is yours and what isn’t. 

It is essential to learn to see the change earlier to avoid exhaustion later. 

I have spent the last 15 years learning to manage and overcome the negative aspects of being an Empath, leaving the beautiful parts to flourish. 

And now, I share that healing with others. 

You can learn to do the same if you’re willing to dedicate the time to yourself. 

If you’re ready, let’s get to work. 

You can find me here.

Remember, your needs and emotions are just as important as those you pick up in everyone around you.

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