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Gina Strole Intuitive Healing

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Recovering from Medical Induced Trauma and Shame

I have recently lost over 75 lbs, and the one thing that I keep thinking about is how I always felt that I was broken because I couldn't lose weight.Ā 

I would go to the Doctor and would leave feeling less than because I didn't seem to be able to do what everyone else was doing.Ā 

I would hear, just exercise more, just eat less, and you will lose weight. So I would, I would cut my calories way back, and gain 5 lbs. I would eat differently, only to feel terrible.

NothingĀ Ā I would try seemed to help.Ā  I was depressed, I was embarrassed, and I felt so alone.Ā 

I couldn't talk to anyone about it because I felt like I was the only one with this issue.Ā 

But the one thing I have realized is we, as women, are suffering in silence.Ā 

We have been told that we must look a certain way, wear a certain size, and eat a certain way in order to be loved and accepted by society.Ā 

I was shamed by other women as well, telling me that I needed to get healthier, I had to eat the way they did (everyone h...

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Clear Limiting Beliefs & Heal: A Powerful 4-Step Process


Clear Limiting Beliefs & Heal: A Powerful 4-Step Process


Embarking on a healing journey is both exciting and daunting. It requires confronting our deepest thoughts, feelings, and beliefs, some of which may have been ingrained for years. But through this journey, we find liberation and transformation.

Today, I want to share a method that's been instrumental in my own healing ā€“ a method for clearing out old blocks and beliefs, making space for growth, authenticity, and self-love.


Step 1: Unleash Your Inner Voice ā€“ Freewriting for Emotional Release


The first step is tuning into yourself. Give yourself permission to express your thoughts and emotions freely, without judgment. I call this "word vomit." Simply grab a pen and paper, and let your thoughts flow freely. Start with "I am feeling..." and see where it takes you. No need to filter or censor ā€“ just be fully present with whatever arises.


Why it Works: Free-writing helps uncover limiting beliefs and negative thought pa...

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Small Steps, Big Impact. Subtle Ways to Empower Yourself into Greatness


Do you ever find yourself grappling with the feeling that youā€™ve somehow lost your inner magic? That childlike spark of wonderment and belief that you could achieve anything you set your mind to?Ā 

It's a familiar sensation for many of us, a sense that the image of self-fulfillment we yearn for remains just out of reach. But here's the truth: that image isn't some distant dreamā€”it resides within you, waiting to be unlocked.

In a world filled with social media self-help hype and grand promises of transformation, it's easy to overlook the subtle shifts in mindset that hold the key to personal empowerment. But I encourage you NOT to overlook them! It's precisely these small adjustments that have the power to ripple outwards, shaping the trajectory of our lives in profound ways.

Today, I want to share with you some small steps you can take to create that big impact in your life you deserve. You all deserve to live your very best life, and these steps can help you get there.


Shifting ...

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Finding Freedom: My Journey Away from Organized Religion.


There was a time when I realized organized religion was no longer for me. Organized religion provided structure, community, and a sense of belonging. However, as I embarked on my own healing journey and embraced intuitive practices, I discovered there were things holding me back from living my best life. And organized religion was a big one!Ā 

We're raised with so many thought processes and belief systems inside of organized religion that I realized they were not lining up with my goals, where I wanted to go in life, and who I wanted to be.Ā 

These feelings of not being enough, of feeling unworthy, of living my life to hope that in the end, it was enough to be accepted by this God that somehow I was supposed to bow down to and worship and raise him above no other.

This "not enough" narrative weighed heavily on me, urging me to live in constant hope of being accepted by a higher power. It felt like I was supposed to somehow live this impossible life!

The realization became too clear t...

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5 Tips to ā€œHelpā€ Your Medium Provide the Best Reading Possible

I know this sounds strange. You're paying for a professional experience, so why would you "help" your psychic medium with your reading?Ā 

This is a question that often arises when discussing what to do during a psychic reading. When I talk about helping your medium, I'm not suggesting that you should flood them with information. Instead, I'd like to share 5 Tips to think about before your next mediumship reading so that you can have the most fulfilling experience possible.Ā 

A mediumship reading can be a profound experience, offering healing messages from the spirit world, especially if you've been grappling with the loss of a loved one. However, just as with any other business, there are helpful do's and don'ts that we need to address to ensure your investment is well spent and that you receive the messages that are intended for you.

Here are five tips to maximize the benefits of your mediumship reading while ensuring you don't hinder your reader's ability to do their job effectively...

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The 10 Most Common Reasons People Seek Mediumship Readings

As a Psychic Medium and Intuitive Healer, I field many questions about mediumship readings, when to seek one, and whether they can help with certain situations.

Today Iā€™d like to share 10 of the most common reasons people seek out Psychic Mediums and how it helps them on their path. (Find out more about Mediumship readings HERE)

Additionally, I'll share how my personal approach to these readings has evolved over time and what I usually tell my clients.

Here are the 10 Most Common Reasons People Seek Mediumship Readings:


  1. The Desire for Connection:

One of the primary reasons people turn to Psychic Mediums is the profound desire to connect with loved ones who have passed. The need to hear from and reassure oneself about the well-being of those on the other side is a powerful driving force.


  1. Healing Through Spirit Connection:

Mediumship readings offer a unique avenue for healing by creating a direct link with the spirit realm.Ā 

Grief can feel so unbearable if ...

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ā€œThe Surprising Cause for Energy Healing Back Slides and How to Avoid Themā€

Have you ever experienced the frustrating cycle of leaving an energy-healing session feeling rejuvenated, only to wake up the next day feeling like a nervous wreck?Ā 

What can feel like a backslide in your healing journey is often an indication that your nervous system is in dire need of healing and regulation.Ā 

Itā€™s similar to seeing a chiropractor for a physical adjustment, only to go home to the same routine that is causing you pain in the first place. The physical relief is temporary if you arenā€™t able to alleviate the root cause.

On your energy healing journey, the root cause of these backslides and often anxious feelings has to do with your autonomous nervous system.

Today, Iā€™m sharing the importance of not only healing the nervous system but, equally crucial, knowing how to face this challenge in the future because I assure you, you will run into triggers in life, and knowing how to handle them is key to your ability to reap the rewards of the healing work you're doing.



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An Alternative to Psychic Protection: Insights from an Intuitive Healer and Psychic Medium

If you are on the path of Spiritual Development, youā€™ve likely run into this idea of ā€œPsychic Protection.ā€

What many spiritual teachers, mediums, and energy healers will tell you is that you need to shield your energy from the onslaught of negative energy out there in the world today.

Some even talk about energy vampires and negative, dark forces that are out to steal your light.

In the realm of energy and spirituality, numerous individuals profess to have all the answers, offering ā€œbubbleā€ methods to help energetic discomfort.Ā 

Many people find comfort in these methods, but itā€™s an ongoing practice that you have to repeat often, and there may be a deeper, underlying cause for these feelings of psychic attack.Ā 

As an Intuitive Healer and Psychic Medium for over two decades, Iā€™d like to offer a different way to look at Psychic Protection by sharing a different perspective.


Choosing to Embrace Life

Life is a remarkable journey filled with diverse experiences, both pleasant and ...

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Are you present in your body and in your life?

Are you completely present in your body??

So many people are not!!!

They are running around disconnected and discombobulated, wondering why life feels so flat!!!!

Most can't even describe why life is feeling flat, but it seems just mundane and out of sorts.

Is this you???

How do you know????

Here are some common signs of disconnection.

šŸŽƒFeeling out of sorts, light-headed, or not really HERE.

šŸŽƒFeeling disconnected from emotions and feelings.

šŸŽƒNot feeling connected to others. There is a huge disconnect in emotional connection.

šŸŽƒHealers telling you that you need to work on your suppressed feelings of anger, but you feel none of that on a conscious level.

šŸŽƒNot feeling like you belong.

šŸŽƒDisconnected from the body, avoiding and neglecting the physical body.

'šŸŽƒWorking too much, avoidance.

šŸŽƒNumbing out, shopping, lots of scrolling on social media, binge eating, or not eating, and other NUMBING activities.

šŸŽƒForgetting important things!!

šŸŽƒFatugue. Avoidance is exhausting!!!!

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Is life feeling HARD???

Life is full of ups and downs.

We can so easily get stuck in a rut and not even realize it until we have spent months spinning our wheels. It is so easy to forget the things that help us create our best lives and go back to old, unproductive ways.

So, where are you stuck?

Are you finding yourself procrastinating, numbing out, or running from daily tasks?

Is life meaningless, and lost its excitement?

Then, it is time to re-evaluate.

You need to ask yourself some really good questions.


What do you need to do to find the excitement of life again?

Have you forgotten how to have fun?

What can you do to have more fun in your life?

Play is a great way to bring in a higher vibration and start creating the life you desire.

The vibration of play is one of the highest vibrations that we can bring in.

So start doing more things that bring that in for you.

Don't know what brings in that vibration? Then start asking yourself what sounds like something that I could have fun doing toda...

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