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Gina Strole Intuitive Healing

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Worry is a complete waste of time and energy.

Worry is a complete waste of time and energy. 


That's right, You heard me.


I hear it all the time,

Worry makes me a good mom, grandma, sister, and wife.

Some people wear their worries like a badge of honor. They feel like worrying about someone, or something makes them a better person. 


We somehow think that this constant mind chatter will change the world, solve world hunger, conger up more money, more love, more of all we desire. 


While the truth is, worry will manifest something for you…..MORE THINGS TO WORRY ABOUT. 


That's right, the more you worry, the more the universe will bring you more things to worry about. 

It hears you going through the endless mind chatter. Wondering how things will ever work out. Wondering if your kids will ever do good things, meanwhile, your body is a wreck. 

You’re not sleeping; you’re eating like shit; you’re full of anxiety and unrest and just can’t seem to get out of the endless pattern of worry. 


So what can we do about ...

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Daily Habits from an Intuitive Healer to Increase Your Self-worth)

 Daily Habits from an Intuitive Healer to Increase Your Self-worth)  


Life, circumstances, and tough times can make you forget that you deserve a beautiful life and are worthy of being here – no matter what has happened to you or what you have been told.


You deserve to be here, and you deserve to take up space!


We can forget how valuable we are, and I don't want that for you. 


In this episode, I share why we disconnect from our self-worth and give you practical tips you can do every day so that you can create that bridge to the life your desire. 


 Listen HERE


Highlights you won’t want to miss:


  • The stories of not being enough are not your truth.
  • How to find your self-worth (hint: it's still there!)
  • Ancestral feelings about worth can carry into your life.
  • We bring feelings of self-worth from past lives, not just this one.
  • All the things that create stories about your wo...
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Living life like you are dying. What death teaches us.

Listening to my husband sleep in the seat next to me as I am driving home after a long week of text messages,  phone calls, and all-around bad news.


I am feeling grateful he is still in that seat. Feeling grateful, I had the moments that morning with him of snuggling a little tighter, telling each other good morning, and enjoying the cooler weather as we stayed a little longer in bed together.

No one is complaining about sleeping in or the time that could have been spent visiting with family. 

You see, we are all in this state. This state of shock!! This state of ”This hasn’t really happened” and feeling a bit numb after the last few weeks of spiritual adventures and heartbreak. 

I am driving in silence, thinking about the events that lead up to today. We received the news of the passing of a great man. A brother, father, and an amazing man, and we are all in shock for sure. 

As I am driving, thinking, and chatting with my guides, my loved ones in spirit as I always do. 

I am...

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You have the Power to Protect your Peace.



I  have been getting all caught up in the things of the world recently. It's like shit is just hitting the fan all at the same time.


As I watched things go down, I was caught up in the gloom and doom that everyone seemed to be predicting.


I also felt that I was stuck. And honestly, I was feeling stuck in my business, life, relationships, and almost every part of my life.


It has been so cold, and now it's April, and we still have lots of snow on the ground. It's been a record year for snow here in Utah, and It is starting to take a toll on my mental capacities. 


As I contemplated the things going on, both in the outside world and inside myself, I was reminded that it was time for deep healing. 


So that's what I started doing. I wanted out of the gloom and doom, so to healing meditations I went. 


Now for me, I am used to doing this work, so I know where to go. Most can not be open enough with themselves to do deep inner healing.


But for me, It is very na...

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Steps to Help With Anxiety From an Energy Healing Perspective

Today I want to talk about something that I’ve struggled with and that many of my clients have struggled with –anxiety!


If you’ve ever experienced anxiety, then you know it can knock you out of your flow really quickly. 


Anxiety can be something that you experience on occasion, or it can be something that is prominent in your life that affects your ability to live your life to the fullest.


It’s time we talk about it because I’m here to tell you there is hope! It’s not in your head, and there are steps you can take to help with this.


Listen to my episode on anxiety and see if these steps can help you too.

This is not medical advice or meant to be in place of professional help. You can do these things alongside anything you are currently doing to help from an energy-healing perspective.

Find the full episode HERE, and get started today, moving out of anxiety and into peace! 



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Inner Child Healing - Can It Help You Live Your Best Life?

Inner Child Healing - Can It Help You Live Your Best Life?



When you get that wake-up call that things need to change for you… then what? Where do you go from there???


Healing the things that are impacting you is what helps you live your full purpose and begin to create change.  


“It’s easier to be me!” is one of my favorite things to hear my clients say. They’ll tell me that they feel lighter and it’s just easier to be themselves. 


I want this for you too. 


Our healing comes up when we’re ready to heal it. You’ll start seeing signs, and you’ll know when you are ready. This episode is here to help you understand what those signs look like and how to begin healing intuitively. 

Find more information here.

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How to Cleanse a New Home Before Moving In.

I was recently asked to collaborate with other spiritually-minded people about clearing your home from unwanted energy. Redfin Blog has given you many ways to make a new home yours by clearing out the old energy. 

If you have been following me for a while, you know the importance of clearing your space. This article talks about moving into a different home and what you can do to clear the energy and make it your own. 

Please check out this very enlightening article and leave some love while there.





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Keeping your Vibration High

Uncategorized Apr 04, 2022

 Keeping your Vibration High


It can be challenging to stay out of old patterns on this healing journey if you are like me.

I have spent 15 plus years trying to navigate this healing journey, and because of my trials and errors, I feel like I can help you avoid some of the common mistakes that can drag us down.



Let’s chat about trash talk.


Getting caught up in trash talk is a BIG PROBLEM; let me tell you why.

We can feel like we need to vent, as women can get deep into this.

Needing to vent is one thing, hours of coffee time and bashing others is where we get into trouble.

We all have an energy field. It is made up of our beautiful energy system. This energy system runs through the entire inside of your body and creates a bubble of energy on the outside of your body. This Energy System is full of information about ourselves. It holds the secrets, or what we think are secrets, inside the subtle energy field. When you do things that build it up, it flourishes. You feel ...

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Are you feeling a bit out of control?

We have all been suffering the past year and a half. Nothing that is going on seems fair or makes sense.

Are you feeling a bit out of control?

Those feeling of being out of control can send us into survival mode. Afraid to move, afraid to do anything.

If you are watching the news, this can make these feelings worse. We can make rash decisions that we later regret when decisions come from this place of fear.

Living in fear changes who we are. Staying in this place of fear can cause problems for us later when this fear becomes the way we learn to survive.

The good news is we don’t have to stay here; it is a choice to remain in fear, just like it is a choice to move into love and trust.

Just a little bit of hope and love can go a long way. We can’t control what the world chooses to do, and we can’t influence politics or even Covid 19, but we get to decide how we deal with it.

We have no control over death or life, but we get to control the way we choose to see the...

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Spiritual Awareness

I talked to my copywriter this week, Nicole Strychaz, and we were reminiscing about the early days of starting our business. We chatted about what we used to talk about with our clients, and funny thing, we both spoke about the same thing.

You see, we have a lot in common for sure. We went back to basics and talked about how our passion was this one subject.

That subject is expansive yet small—big yet little.  

That subject was 

Spiritual awakening/ living a spiritual-minded life.

That’s right. When we both started, our passion was this topic, and that topic is just as important today as it was so many years ago. 

I have always had a desire to teach others how to become spiritual-minded! To learn to live up to their full potential in the physical form. 

WE forget why we came here. There is so much more to life than growing up, paying the bills till we die, which sounds awful. 

Even when I was just a small child, I remember thinking there had to be so much more to life than the ...

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