Are you ready to heal?
Everyone has healing to do
Our past has created the reality you live in RIGHT NOW.
Are you happy with that reality???
If not, let's do something about it!!!
Healing misconceptions #1
I had a great childhood; I don't need healing.
FALSE. We all had situations that have created where we are today.
For some, it was a minor trauma. You lost your blanket, and your mom told you to get over it; it’s time to grow up.
For others, it was a more significant thing. Death, feeling abandoned, the stories we told ourselves about why your mom or dad was absent from your life.
WE HAVE ALL CREATED STORIES ABOUT WHY LIFE IS THE WAY IT IS, and we created those stories about us!! We have made those stories all about why we are unlovable and unworthy of amazing things.
Healing misconceptions #2
Healing is only for those that are strong.
FALSE. Healing is for those that are ready for changes!!!
How Does Intuitive Healing Work?
Intuitive healing is a fantastic process that an experienced healer can provide to help individuals work through their past. Healing Methods are used for anyone open to energy and looking for unconventional ways to heal the body, mind, and soul.
Intuitive healing is a process that channels healing into finding and releasing old beliefs, energy, and emotions and allowing the body to come back into energetic balance. This process is a guided process for those that desire to heal themselves.
Working with a healer is a fantastic experience that will change your life and your family’s lives. You will gain insight into yourself and why you feel and see the world as you do. It can be genuinely transformational.
There is an immediate feeling of change inside the body. Most describe it as a heavy feeling of being released and leaving behind a lighter, more vibrant sense of peace and happiness. When done correctly, these changes happen almost immediately.
The word Intuitive has been thrown around a lot these days. Everyone seems to use this word. But what does it refer and how does it relate to healing?
Using or based on what one feels to be true even without conscious reasoning; Instinctive.
Intuition is something we are all given. We all have it. Intuition is our compass, if you will, for our human experience. Intuition is the part of you connected to your higher self, that all-knowing part, that all-understanding part of you.
We all have "what I call" intuitive hits every day. Turn here while you are driving. Stop here, and you run into someone that you have meant to call. Take a rain jacket on a sunny day, and it ends up raining. Of course, you ignored this one because it sounded CRAZY at the time.
Healing happens when we allow the past energy and beliefs to move through our systems. As life happens, we...
Want to live a more spiritually-minded life??
Check out my Five steps to success for living a spiritually-minded life!
What the hell is that??
Well, let me explain.
We all come from spirit first. We started as a spirit, then we received our physical body and went on with life as a physical soul. We are spirit first, human 2nd.
As this human life takes over and we create beliefs and feelings, we tend to forget that our emotions become our emotions, and later they create an identity for us.
We forget that we are unlimited souls first as we go about our physical existence. When you hear about the awakening or “waking up,” this is being discussed.
It’s all about returning to the fundamental belief that we are spirit first. We are all Infinite Beings that have unlimited potential.
So how do we start this process?
I will give you some basic steps for waking up so you can start seeing your source’s eyes, start opening up to the basic knowledge you can be, and do anything you desi...
What is all the hype about the full moon? I mean, seriously, It happens every month, and what is the big deal?Â
Well, let me tell you. I love the full moon. I love its beauty and its meaning of a beautiful ending to energetic things and an opportunity to set intentions for the new beginnings with a new moon coming after this beautiful moon subsides.Â
It also has a downside. The full moon’s energy can create an adverse effect on those sensitive to this Intense energy source.
Let’s back-up and start with the basics.Â
 For starters, let’s look at the spiritual meaning.Â
 What is the spiritual meaning of the full moon?
 The full Moon shares the symbolism of the circle as an image of wholeness and strength. The Chinese associate it with the essence of Yin and the feminine; to Buddhists, it represents spiritual power. 1
The full moon can allow us to feel energized and social if we tend to be already more social. The opposite can also happen for those that give...
We all want more money, right??
Well, what if I told you that you could have more money and it didn’t involve working harder or adding another job?
Let me back up before we jump in and explain who I am and what I do.
I am a medium, a psychic, an intuitive healer, and a Spiritual Coach. I have spent the last decade helping others release all the negative beliefs and feelings that hold them back from creating a life of ease and peace! Learn more!
I have been studying healing for 15 years and have created programs that produce lasting transformational results for hundreds of clients.Â
Money is a big part of the work that I do because so many of us struggle with worry and frustration around money.
Money is wrapped around so many emotions. If you were raised to think that you didn’t have money, or money is hard to come by, your beliefs say that money is bad or evil.Â
Our beliefs about money become our truth. For many, money is hard to come by.
What are your money beliefs?
The New Moon: First Phase Of The Lunar Cycle
The new moon is where the lunar rhythm begins. The lunar cycles provide a guideline to strengthens our natural instincts. The moon offers a natural cycle for when to launch projects, start something new, or make plans.Â
Farmers have used the moon cycle guidance for ages.
The first phase is when the Moon appears to be dark due to the sun's location-- the dark side of the Moon is facing earth in retreat. When in retreat, it is the best time to contemplate and make plans for a fresh start.
The waxing Moon energizes flowers and leaves —time for planting and fertilizing your plants and ideas to encourage growth.
The new Moon is the best time to identify goals, re-imagine your life and what you would like to create during the next cycle.
New Moon Rituals:
Are you an Empath? Well, let’s find out.Â
Let’s first start with understanding what an Empath is.Â
An Empath is extremely sensitive to the energy around them to the point these emotions become their own.Â
Empaths feel, sense, know what others are thinking and feeling, and immediately takes these feelings on as their own without even realizing what they are doing. Yikes!
Empaths see the world differently than other people; they’re keenly aware of others, their pain points, and what they need emotionally.
An Empath is someone who feels more empathy than the average person.Â
Empaths are usually accurate in recognizing emotions by looking at another person’s face. They are also more likely to acknowledge feelings earlier than other people.Â
Empaths have a big heart and will act compassionately to help that person express herself.Â
Empaths experience empathy towards family, children, friends, and close associates but usually, give too much of themselves and lack boundaries because o...
Empathic IntegrityÂ
In the beginning, when I first started opening up to the possibilities of my abilities. There were no boundaries or rules; I had to fumble through life.
It was a new and exciting time. But, it was also a rough time learning to practice my unique abilities.Â
You see, I had always been this way, but as I was developing my energetic abilities, I wanted to help everyone. I was a novice learning the ropes.Â
I didn’t understand that just because I knew things and could read others' thoughts and feelings doesn’t mean I should do that all the time.
 I didn’t understand that I needed to learn to regulate those impulses. I didn’t understand the consequences of not respecting others’ boundaries or not having any of my own.Â
Let me save you some trouble and give you a few of the rules that I live by as an empath.Â
I often felt guilty about not sharing my abilities with everyone. I would tell myself I was a bette...
Let's begin with some Spiritual Hygiene 101.
 Just like your physical body, you have a spiritual energy body!?!Â
Did you know that your spiritual energy body needs maintenance and self-care just like your physical body?Â
If you have ever taken any classes from me, you know I preach it to the rooftops.Â
Spiritual Hygiene is more important than taking a shower to me.Â
Let me explain. You have these beautiful energy layers on the outside of your body. You also have an energy system on the inside called the Chakra system. Â
These systems work together to help your body run smoothly. When things go wrong in the physical body, it always starts in the energetic body first. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to clear out this energetic body often.Â
If your energy fields are full of junk, you need to clear them out to make space for love and light.Â
Filling the body with light, with love, and releasing old energy should be a daily practice.Â
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