I had an interesting experience today, and I wanted to share it with you. I love being vulnerable and sharing my experiences as I grow and heal.Â
Today was no different. But before I share my story, here is a little back story. I believe this life is a mirror for us. The people around us and the situations we find ourselves in are all opportunities for reflection and change.Â
Even down to our current mood and feelings about situations, we are all an opportunity for reflection and observation.Â
We can use these situations for growth and healing if we see the writing on the wall.Â
What writing, you ask? Well, for every soul that crosses our path, there is a reason and an opportunity for growth.Â
The vibration that we send out in the world is a vibration that others are attracted to. So, if you keep getting undesirable situations and people in your life, you need to look at the vibration you are sending out.Â
Now for my story that illustrated this perfectly.Â
I have been cleaning o...
**Your 5 Main Spirit Guides - What They Want You to Know
We all have a guide team. They are here to help and guide you to the actual reason you are incarnated into the physical world. Depending on why you are here, your guide team will help you create the life you need, heal the parts you came here to heal, and learn the lessons you came here to focus on.Â
Here are the 5 Main guides you have. You may have more, but these are the main ones we all have.Â
 Protector Guide, Master Teacher, Dr. Teacher, Dr. Chemist, Joy guide
Your Five Guides
makes life meaningful by reminding you to be happy. Most joy guides appear as
children or teens because young people have not forgotten how to be lighthearted.
for the physical body and for the aura, the energetic field that surrounds all living things.
What exactly can your guide do for you?
Your guides protect you, guide you to health, to wealth, to your purpose. But only if you ask them to help you.
You must Ask!!! That is the first rule in working with guides. Give them permission to intervene in our lives and see what amazing things can happen for you.
We all have specific guides that are assigned to us depending on our purpose.
We also can have family protectors and guides to help us as well.
Come meet our guides; they are here to make our life easier and to help you in big ways.
Join me for a Meet your guide team Master class and see what message your team has for you.
I have spent a lifetime learning and studying everything about guides and guide work. I am certified to teach you and have learned from the best of the best healers and mediums all about guides and their roles in our life.
Don't miss out on this opportunity. Sign up now.
This week my hubby and I are celebrating this week. Twenty-nine years together is a big deal to me!
I have met with so many women that that kind of relationship seems out of reach.
It doesn't have to be! I was young and trusting when I first got married. But I knew that I could trust Robert! And that was huge.
Over the years of working out our relationship and figuring out each other, there is one thing I know for sure you need to make it survive the sands of time.
Great relationships don't just happen; they are created!!
They must be nurtured and cultivated. They must handle changes and be able to weather the bumps and bruises of life.
There are a few key ingredients I believe you need to have a relationship that will last.
If you can't trust your partner, you probably won't make it! If you have trust issues and are constantly accusing the other of cheating or wrongdoing, or if they are simply not truthful, you will have issues. Guaranteed!
If you have tr...
Your Words Matter When You Want to Change Your Life for the Better
What are you saying to yourself every day? Does your life suck? Do bad things always happen to you?Â
Do you even know what is going on inside your head?Â
Most of us do not have a clue what we are saying to ourselves, yet we wonder why we are tired, unmotivated, feeling unloved, and depressed.Â
When we change the way we talk about ourselves, our world will change. Good things will line up for us, and the world seems to look brighter and better all around.Â
Our words can dictate our lives and how things work out for us – your words matter!
If you're saying things that you deep down believe, like "things never work out for me" or "I'm not lucky enough to have good things happen," it can manifest in your life, time and time again.Â
It's time to switch up your words!
In this podcast, the intuitive healing connection, I talk about how to change the words that are keeping you stuck and remind you how to have compa...
 Yesterday was my husband’s Birthday. We drove to the city to see our kids and spend his special day with them.Â
We drove home after a fantastic day, discussing past birthdays and remembering special times. We were talking about a time his mom forgot his Birthday. His mom is older, and it just slipped her mind. She didn’t do it intentionally; just part of getting older for her.Â
I was immediately taken back to a time in my life when I sat and waited for my mom to call, but it never came.Â
My Birthday had never been a happy day for most of my adult life. I have spent most of my adult life waiting for a call on my Birthday from the one person I thought should be excited for me and want to celebrate what I thought should feel like a special day to her.
But that day just didn’t come.
All day I thought about how grateful I am to celebrate with my husband on his special day. What a blessing he is, and I am grateful to his mom for bringing him into this world. But as we ta...
Today's Energy is calling on you to be open to receiving all abundance in life.
Do you struggle to receive a compliment? Does that make you feel uncomfortable when someone offers you a kind word?
A big part of abundance is receiving, and a sure way to see if you have issues is by seeing how you feel about receiving a compliment.
Can you just say thank you, or do you make some comment about I think you must be blind? Or you must have the wrong person.
Look for and receive compliments. Receiving them and just saying thank you is the way we show the universe we are ready to receive more.
Don't push away your abundance. Just practice saying Thank you!!!
Join my Gratitude Challenge and set yourself up for abundance.
Have you ever had the experience of seeing what is really inside your drain pipes?
Well, this week, I had that experience. We have been in our house for 25 years, and those dang pipes get so dirty. I had a small water leak in my bathroom, and it was an excellent chance to clean out those nasty pipes that were almost plugged from the oils, hair, and nasty garbage that gets washed down the drains.
After we got them cleaned out, oh my, the water drains so nicely, and no more black garbage built up around the drain. Amazing what some Maintenace will do.
When we are blocked, it is normal to feel run down, tired, sluggish, angry, depressed, and just overall unwell for no apparent reason. Your energetic system is just like these drainpipes. Without some regular Maintenace, things will get plugged and non-functioning causing a flood or a major health breakdown.
Clearing out your chakras in a deep chakra healing session will leave you feeling like things are flowing smoothly again.
I woke up today thinking about an interesting topic. Politics. Now I know that sounds a bit crazy, but hear me out.
I love picking things apart and seeing all aspects of life through spiritual eyes. And what better place to see that than inside a hot topic place like Politics?
That makes or breaks families. Religion and politics are two topics I was told never to discuss at the table, 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
The thoughts I was having were about the topics, or "issues if you will, that seem to be all over the media.
It seems that everyone has an opinion about what's right or wrong, and they are hitting social media to prove their point.
I don't know if you caught the view last week with Whoopi Goldberg and Judge Janine Pirro, but Woopie got up and left the stage and kicked Judge Janine out of the studio because of her remarks that Whoopie didn't agree with.
Seems a bit Crazy to think that this is the society that we have come to.
Crazy from the outside, but it makes so much sense when you lo...
I have been feeling this rumbling inside; have you felt it?
To me, it has felt like an underground volcano getting ready to erupt. I lie in bed at night, and I can feel it in my chest. Tossing and spitting and rumbling, waiting for its moment to explode.
No one can see it yet, but it's coming. I don’t know what this volcano symbolizes, but I can feel it getting ready to destroy beliefs and old foundations.
When this happens, it's going to be a major upheaval.
Maybe your rumbling is a feeling of anxiety, maybe its extreme tiredness, or a feeling of unrest and lack of peace. Maybe you are struggling to sleep.
Whatever it is for you, I know it feels uncomfortable. And any time we feel uncomfortable, it challenges us to either make changes or stay in the same misery that got us here in the first place.
I have felt that changes are coming to our outside world, and with these changes, we are going to be asked to make changes in the way we view th...
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